Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Creative Problem Solving for Managers

Question: Discuss about the Report for Creative Problem Solving for Managers? Answer: Introduction Children between the age of 5 and 17 work in China under extreme circumstances for long hours (Armitage 2013). As many families in China are poor, they have to send their children to work and they are the extra source of income. In this research work, child exploitation by Foxconn has been explained in this particular study. Negative implication for potential customer concerning child exploitation problem Foxconn, the worlds largest electronic manufacturer has admitted that children under the age 14 years have been working on the production line that manufactures Nintendo consoles and Sony television. It has been seen that Foxconn has hired interns that are under Chinas legal working age (Armitage 2013). Therefore, it has been seen that child exploitation in the company is not only the violation of the Chinese labour law, but also a violation of the Foxconn policy. This incident has no doubt left negative impact on the potential customers of Foxconn, as most of them are against child exploitation. The company has been accused for several years for violating the labour rights and keeping the employees in overcrowded dormitories run by military like security forces (CNET 2016). It has been seen that for the dedicated iPhone lovers as well get disturbed when they come to know that from where their phone have been coming. Foxconn is the electronic suppliers of Apple and after publishing the news of child exploitation in China, many iPhone lovers have raised a question about ethics of the company and the suppliers as well. Therefore, it can be stated that bad practices along with the violation of rules have left negative impact on the buyers of iPhone, Samsung (Garside 2013). Ten possible stakeholders that will be affected by this problem The concerning company, employed children, suppliers, family of the working children, responsible government, customers, foreign companies that come to China for expanding their business, education system and future generation are the top ten possible stakeholders that get affected by this bad practice in China (Kendall and Funk 2012). These ten stakeholders get affected by the addressed problem in China. Five problem solving stakeholders concerning this problem and their different roles to contribute Responsible citizen of the country must raise their voice against child exploitation; the government must incorporate some strict rules and regulation to cope up with the problem. Apart from that, the charitable missions, who look after the well being of the children, must discuss this issue seriously. If the customers boycott those companies who engage child labour, the problem can be solved easily (Kendall and Funk 2012). It has been found that sometimes the client companies do not know the details of the supplying company and thus it can be said that the client companies are required to be well aware of supply companies activities and take prompt action if any bad practices are observed. Conclusion After completion of the entire task, it can be stated that child exploitation in Foxconn is one of the major issues and put the ethics of the company in front of moral and ethical questions. This is required to take care of immediately to maintain the reputation of the company. References Armitage, J., 2013. 'Even worse than Foxconn': Apple rocked by child labour claims. [online] The Independent. Available at: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/even-worse-than-foxconn-apple-rocked-by-child-labour-claims-8736504.html [Accessed 29 Feb. 2016]. CNET, 2016. Riots, suicides, and other issues in Foxconn's iPhone factories. [online] Available at: https://www.cnet.com/news/riots-suicides-and-other-issues-in-foxconns-iphone-factories/ [Accessed 29 Feb. 2016]. Garside, J., 2013. Child labour uncovered in Apple's supply chain. [online] the Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/jan/25/apple-child-labour-supply [Accessed 29 Feb. 2016]. Kendall, V. and Funk, T., 2012. Child exploitation and trafficking. Lanham: Rowman Littlefield. Moore, M., 2012. 14-year-olds employed on Foxconn factory production line. [online] Telegraph.co.uk. Available at: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/9614994/14-year-olds-employed-on-Foxconn-factory-production-line.html [Accessed 29 Feb. 2016].

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