Thursday, December 26, 2019

Graduation Speech My Personal Experience Essay - 2190 Words

Introduction As a future teacher, it is extremely important to get as much experience in the classroom as possible in order to be ready to teach without assistance after graduation. By having 20 hours of observation the two semesters before entering the education program, it is beneficial to experience life in the classroom, reflect on the things learned, and one day be able to implement them into one’s own classroom one day. This paper will discuss my personal experience in my field placement and connect it to what I have learned in the EDUC 2130 class. During my observation times, I learned many things, including but not limited to, effective classroom management techniques and diversity throughout the classroom. Lumpkin County Head Start The site that I did my 20 hours of observation was the Lumpkin County Head Start. The Head Start is sponsored by the Ninth District Opportunity. The National Head Start Association recognized the Ninth District Opportunity as a â€Å"Program of Excellence†, which is the highest award representing quality. Only 21 of the 2,600 programs in the nation earn this award (NDO, web). The Head Start receives money for every volunteer that comes through the door and helps out at the program. Each month I would sign a form saying that I had volunteered, and it would tell how many hours I volunteered for the month. For every hour a volunteer helps out, the Head Start program gets minimum wage, and these funds go towards supplies and items that keep theShow MoreRelatedGraduation Speech : My Personal Experience909 Words   |  4 Pageslearn from their mistake because my parents gave me the opportunity to fail and later on in life I achieved success from my fail an d my personal experience as well as sherry connects with how failure improved education. 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