Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Two Reviews of Angela Davis

Two Reviews of Angela Davis’ Women Race and Class (1983) By: Brittany Turnbull I. The Reviews a. Amy Winter [Women Race and Class] Off Our Backs, January-February Issue (2005) pp48-49 b. Ann Russo [Book Review]Women Studies International Forum, Volume 6, Number 2 (1983) pp249 II. Summary of Reviews a. Winter, Off Our Backs The reviewer focused on the different parts of history of the African American woman as well as the history of all women as a whole. She broke up the review by discussing each chapter to coincide with Davis’ break up of her book and focused on the important details of each chapter that she found Davis had brought out. Winter doesn’t offer much opinion within her review because she mainly sticks to the fact that the book is written about oppression of African American women and African American people and she mainly describes exactly what Davis wrote. However, Winter did offer some criticism when Davis had written about how women working in the factories and doing hard labor was more interesting than doing house work. Winter found that there was no difference because either way something needed to be cleaned. One just reaped the benefits of a paycheck while the other did not. This was a good and thorough review because not only did it look at the whole book but it looked at each individual chapter and the main points within each chapter. b. Russo, Women Studies International Forum There is a different approach to this review because it is basically an analysis of what Davis’ theme or overall meaning of the book was. Russo described the book in the sense that the book wasn’t about oppression of Black women or Black people. It was about comparing the Black women to White women the overall sexist oppression that they both had to overcome and still are overcoming. Russo described this book as a being a feminist book about feminism as a whole and the revolution of all women. There was no discussion about the history of oppression that Black women had to live with over time or anything along those lines. There was not mention of historical figures as well. This review was good in the sense that it was an analysis of the overall idea of the book, however I feel that Russo was completely wrong in her analysis. She failed to realize the exact struggles and the exact differences between White and Black women. She also failed to realize that the use of White women within the text was to compare how much more difficult Black women had had it over White women in terms of the sexual and racial discrimination that Black women have had to encounter and attempt to overcome throughout history.

Explain why the Environment is such a discursive subject

It is a fact that the planets weather is becoming more erratic, and ultimately warmer. The causes of the changes to our weather system are undeniable, but the real debate is if they are entirely man made. Evidence of carbon emissions increasing is available, but there is no â€Å"smoking gun† that categorically proves that the two are linked (sceptical science website – accessed 20/04/11). Until this can be proved beyond doubt one way or the other, people will disagree on mans impact on the earth. Since the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century there has been a growing concern on the impact of economic development in nature (Moran, 2005, p338). Different individuals and different political parties will have differing views on the impact and relevance of environmental issues in the modern political world. Despite the awareness of the issue, environmental issues would not enter mainstream politics until the 1960's. Previously there was little thought given to the natural resources consumed by man, but in the modern world their finite nature has been realised (Bentley, 2006, p137). By the late 1980's all mainstream political parties would have adopted and developed their own environmental agendas (ibid, p138). Pressure groups such as Greenpeace, the CND, Friends of the Earth and the World Wildlife Fund were campaigning in the UK and around the world during the 70's and 80's in order to bring the environmental agenda to the political forefront. But it was not just pressure groups bringing environmentalism to the political landscape, but also a whole new political party. The Green party was started in 1985 with the aim of moving politics away from what it felt was the continued pursuit of economic growth and focusing more on clean sustainable living (Moran, 2005, p338). The Green party has continued to rise since it's inception. The party currently has 109 elected local councillors, 2 European MP's and in the May 2010 election gained their first seat in the Westminster when party leader Caroline Lucas won Brighton and Hove (Green Party Website – accessed 20/04/2011). With the Green parties growing influence in British Politics, the real threat of global warming, a globalized economy and the existence of more and more pressure groups, we can be assured that the environmental agenda will remain in British Politics for many years to come. There are many examples of environmental campaigns that have already been and gone and the results of which can still be seen today. In 1982 and Englishman named Des Wilson began a campaign called CLEAR, with the aim of reducing the impact of lead pollution from petrol. Lead pollution was known to have serious impact on the health of young children, as well as the environment as a whole. Fortunately for the members of CLEAR, the campaign had already begun to reduce lead pollution in the UK. These campaigns had support in some very influential places. The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution had already stated its desires for lead free petrol, and the German government had been appealing to the rest of Europe over the danger to German and other European forests. A European Union directive shortly followed and the majority of Western states installed lead-free petrol in their petrol stations by the end of 1983 (Leach, 2006, p423). In 1972 International think tank â€Å"the club of Rome† published a book called â€Å"The Limits of Growth†, and warned that the existing economic growth was putting a serious strain on Earths natural resources and warned of an impending catastrophe for mankind. Awareness of environmental issues was growing in Britain too, with the National Trust, the Council for Protection of Rural England and the RSPB some of the long standing organisation's joining the environmental campaign. Also, newer groups such as Transport 2000 and the Centre for Alternative Technology sprung up and joined many UK affected and/or based campaigns (Leach, 2005, p424). There is little doubt that the campaigns of these pressure groups helped to bring the environmental agenda to the forefront of British Politics. Environmental issues will affect all other policy areas of political parties and governments in a way that few other issues can. As stated previously with the CLEAR campaign, the effect of placing lead free petrol on the petrol station forecourt would of been non-existent had the lead-free petrol been twice the price of leaded fuel. As such, the British government encouraged the switch by placing reduced taxes on unleaded petrol, so the impact of making the environmentally conscious policy affected taxation in 1983 (ibid, p423). Any new development of roads, rail track or real estate will need to go through certain environmental checks prior to any planning permission being granted. An excellent example from recent times of environmental issues affecting a political decision relates to the planning permissions of the new Olympic Games site in Stratford. As part of the process for obtaining planning permission, the Olympic Delivery Authority produced a 40 page Environment statement on how they planned to maintain the sites wildlife before, during and after the Olympic Games (London 2012 website – accessed 20/04/11). Rather then possibly serving as a hindrance to the project, the environmental impact and sustainability became a key component of what the project wished to achieve. This is clears evidence that environmental issues are so ingrained in political thought that they are no longer considered as an after thought. This is, in my opinion, a clear indication of how the early environmental lobbyists were successful in their pursuit to bring environmentalism to the mainstream political agenda. International agreements on environmental issues will also affect the thinking of a governing political organisation. In 1997 186 states agreed on limits to their carbon emissions. The aim was to reduce the carbon emissions of signed countries to 5% below 1990 levels by 2012. Although initially successful (the 2002 targets set out by the agreement were met) the problems with the Kyoto began when the US withdrew from the agreement in 2001. Although President Clinton had agreed to the treaty in '97, there were serious issues getting it through the senate, and in 2001 President Bush pulled the US out of Kyoto declaring that it would gravely damage the US economy. The principal of the agreement on Kyoto would see states given a set quota of emissions each year, and these limits they would be allowed to trade off against one another. This would see high emission nations such as the US buy unused credits off of less polluting countries such as The Netherlands. Nations could also earn extra credits by getting involved in environmental conservation works in their own country or in a developing nation (BBC website accessed 19/04/2011). Kyoto would ultimately fail because the principal of trading emissions quotas would be unsustainable, and no significant reductions in emissions were achieved though the life of the treaty. The last attempt to broker an agreement in the international community was in December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. As John Vidal wrote in the Guardian â€Å"The so-called Copenhagen accord â€Å"recognises† the scientific case for keeping temperature rises to no more than 2C but does not contain commitments to emissions reductions to achieve that goal†. After the conference, G77 executive director Lumumba Di-Aping described the deal as having â€Å"the lowest level of ambition you can get†, and John Sauven of Greenpeace UK described Copenhagen as a â€Å"crime scene† (Guardian Website, accessed 19/04/11). The simple truth is that environmental issues are here to stay. The early work of environmental pressure groups such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace has clearly had an effect on modern political thought. Every political party will have an environmental policy outlined in its pre-election manifesto as well as in the policy section of its website. As we saw with the Olympic Stadium, the environmental impact of the construction process and post games legacy was a major factor when the whole project was outlined. Environmentalism in politics is here to stay. Major international agreements may fail like Kyoto, or fail to even appear as was the case with Copenhagen, but the pressure groups are growing is strength and influence, and any move by the political system to remove environmentalism will be met with strong opposition and serious repercussions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Free Will and Fate Essay

Everything in life happens for a reason, may it be the choices made or the destiny fulfilled. Along the way though many people offer advice that affect choices made, was it fate that they gave their input? Is it free will to take or not to take that advice? Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey demonstrates that despite warning, characters often use their free will to make choices that in the end actually fulfill their fate. Primarily Aegisthus’s refusal to acknowledge the gods warning, serves as the first example of mankind using her own free will to bring her destiny to fruition. Hermes tells Aegisthus not to sleep with Clytemnestra and not to kill Agamemnon, but he does so anyway, and so Orestes kills Aegisthus as revenge. Aegisthus received warning from the gods, they told him â€Å"far in advance†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢don’t murder the man†¦ don’t court his wife†¦ revenge will come from Orestes’† (Homer 1. 45-48) and the predicted outcome came true –Aegisthus was killed. The Gods warned Aegisthus of what his fate held, and in utilizing his free will he chose to ignore this advice and his fate became reality. It is â€Å"with [each characters] own reckless ways†¦ heir pains [are compounded] beyond their proper share† (Homer 1. 39-40); meaning that committing reckless actions will result in possible calamitous outcomes. Aegisthus chose to kill Agamemnon, he chose to court Clytemnestra, he chose to ignore the advice from the gods, and so he ended up destroyed fulfilling the fate of receiving pain thanks to his own reckless behavior. Likewise, Homer clearly comments on the tendency of humans disregarding warnings of potential hazards, through his inclusion of The Phaecians’ decision to ignore their prophecy and aid travelers resulting in fate fulfillment. The Phaecians’ were forewarned in a prophecy that â€Å"Poseidon was vexed with [them] because/ [they] escorted all mankind and never came to grief / [and]†¦ one day a well built ship of [theirs]†¦ [would be crushed]† (Homer 13. 196-200); Alcinous’s father received this prophecy years ago and gave no acknowledgement of the prophecy when time came to ship Odysseus back to Ithaca. As a result of The Phaecians’ seeing blind of the prophecy and escorting Odysseus back to Ithaca, their ship got crushed and mountains surrounded the port. When Odysseus determined that it was time for him to sail back to Ithaca, Alcinous had no hesitation in assisting him. Alcinous â€Å"knew [that Odysseus] wouldn’t be driven /off†¦course, [that] nothing could hold [him] back† (Homer 13. 5-7), but what he knew and ignored was the free will choice he made to neglect the prophecy and allow the fate of himself and his fellow Phaecians to end in destruction just as it was destined to be. Similarly, Amphinomus reflects the human quality of free will leading to fate as he acquired purposeful advice from Odysseus (the beggar), yet he continued his pursuit of Penelope, and ended up dead. Amphinomus received potentially life saving advice from the one that ended up killing him, Odysseus, but his ignorance of the ‘vagabond’ and how insightful he was made him assume that he would â€Å"never suffer affliction down the years†¦ affronting the loyal wife of a man who won’t be gone†¦long† (Homer 18. 153-168) and so in the spirit of free will he continued to attempt to court Penelope all under the nose of Odysseus. Therefore, as Odysseus began his revenge Amphinomus was â€Å"fraught with grave forebodings†¦. /but not even so could he escape his fate†¦ Athena had bound him fast to death /at the hands of Prince Telemachus and his spear† (Homer 18. 77-179) as it had been destined to be. Cause: Amphinomus ignoring advice given to him that would potentially save his life – Free Will†¦ Effect: Amphinomus is killed – Fate. All in all, Homer’s The Odyssey display’s the idea that regardless of warning fate is decided by free will and vice versa. Aegisthus, The Phaecians, and Amphinomus all received warning, and utilizing their free will they all chose to take a separate path one that led to ultimate fate. ‘Fate leads him who follows it, and drags him who resists. ’

Monday, July 29, 2019

Motivation and Gender Differences in Gym Activity Essay

Motivation and Gender Differences in Gym Activity - Essay Example Attending the gym and maintaining health and physical vigor has now emerged as a serious matter that needs solemn discussion. It is common knowledge that many are attracted to gym activities and they give greater concern to it and they consider it equal to any other activities or part of their daily routine. Regardless of age or gender, one can see people attending the gym, motivated by different reasons. While some attend gym activities for maintaining physical health/fitness, some others attend it for competence. Some people attend gym activities for performance or for getting noticed in social spheres. The study is based on the role of motivation for exercise in the gym and also the preference of activities on the gender differences in the gym. In the modern world, people are suffering from various health problems leading to many diseases; so nowadays people take initiative to prevent health problems themselves. There are many benefits to people who are engaging in physical activi ties, including relief from heart disease, diabetics, obesity, cancer, and such other diseases. Majority of the people realize the need for exercise from their own experiences and also by observing from others, but yet some others will not do any exercises until they get external motivation. Some physical activities like jogging, walking, and so on help people to relax their mind as well as help to meet new people and build new relationships. Incentives play an important role in motivating people for doing exercises. Nowadays people consider the gym as an important aid to build and maintain a good body. In the past, the gym was considered as a place only for men but now women also take part in gym activities. Women concentrate on activities like yoga, cycling, and dancing whereas the males focus on the shaping and building of their body. This study includes the two types of hypothesis; firstly, the majority of males engage in anaerobic activities whereas the females concentrate on a erobic activities and secondly, the motives of the participants are based on personal interest.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Current Economic Performance of Brazil Essay

The Current Economic Performance of Brazil - Essay Example The United Kingdom is one of the most important members of the European Union due to its political as well as economic significance. In order to initiate a Greenfield project in the UK, following factors may be taken into consideration: UK is going through one of the toughest economic periods in its history due to the credit crisis which emerged from the US. However, its performance in the recent past has been credible due to its consistent growth rates achieved over the period of time. From 2003 to 2007, it achieved an average growth rate of 2.7% whereas inflation has remained under 2% during the period. (, 2008). The exchange rate parity between the US dollar and UK pound has remained under control too as the average exchange rate during 2007 remained at 0.5GBP per US Dollar. The upcoming forecasts regarding the performance of the UK’s economy are not favourable as many analysts have projected a negative growth in GDP for the year 2009. UK’s population is over 65 million with an average age of 39 years. Out of this population, 65% of the population belongs to the working class in which almost 52% of the population lives in the age group of up to 40 years. (The Times 100, 2008) What is also important to note that a larger chunk of the UK’s population is ageing, therefore, it has been anticipated that there may be a shortage of young employable population. It is also critical to note that the UK has adopted a very lenient immigration policy which allowed it to enjoy one of the largest immigration population in the region. This also, however, provides it with a readily available pool of employable population at relatively lower cost.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How disasters have an effect on the world at large Essay

How disasters have an effect on the world at large - Essay Example These disasters regardless of how small they may be, also affect adversely both the states’ and people’s economic statuses. Since, their destructive power normally extends to people’s investments besides residential properties, hence impoverishing natives (Donald & Hyndman 97). This is because, in their regions, there may be inadequate facilities meant to compensate them to rebound to their former lives (Donald & Hyndman 99). This is apparent in developing states, where after any disaster’s occurrence; the affected victims do not get any aid meant to regain their former statuses economically. Studies contend that, some of the disasters interfere with ecosystems’ array. This is evident with aquatic life where some species on sensing threats in their environments migrate to other regions. Hence, desert their regions, whereby they create imbalance and head to other environments that may be not conducive for their survival. Consequently, this yields to some species’ extinction because they do not possess the necessary mechanisms meant to survive in their new surroundings. Besides, they also affect climatic patterns that in turn affect humanity severely (Donald & Hyndman 291). Presently, world authorities are mobilizing resources to curb global warming that has emanated from natural disasters besides humanity’s activities contribution to the same. These encompass natural disasters like volcano eruptions, which emit obnoxious gases like HFSs and Cl, which destroy the ozone layer (Donald & Hyndman 196). This affects global climatic patterns besides leading to certain diseases that result from excess exposure to sunlight, for illustration, skin

Friday, July 26, 2019

Timeline of Gendered Movements Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Timeline of Gendered Movements - Assignment Example This paper aims to discuss major events in the American history that lead to movement for the Women’s Right. It shall further discuss the significance and the interrelationship of these events. Though there have been several events contributing to the women movement, but the major four events that led to the acceptance and acknowledgement women’s rights shall be discussed in detail. Declaration of Sentiments (1848) The civil war was the origin of the women movement. Women played a major role in the antislavery crusade. The Declaration of the Sentiment and Resolution (1848) was a petition by women to gain rights and privileges (Burgan, 2006). It aims to provide justification and equality to women and to bring change in the sexist society (Keller, 2003). The document plays a significant role in the providing social, civil and religious and rights of women. The document was signed by 68 women and 32 men out of the 300 people for the women’s right convention (Keller, 2003). The principle author of the Declaration was Elizabeth Cady Stanton (Burgan, 2006). She made use of symbolism, allusion, metaphors and hyperboles to achieve the purpose of Declaration. Though the neglecting of women’s right were noted and mentioned by several authors but the Declaration of Sentiments provided a legal status for this, it further provided platform and laid foundation for the movement of women. Formation of Women Suffrage Association (1869) The other major event was the formation of Women Suffrage Association (1869). Elizabeth Candy Stanton joined Susan B. Anthony to form an association named National Women’s Suffrage Association for rights to vote women (Burgan, 2006). It also advocated the easier divorce and to eliminate discrimination in employment and pay. It secured the rights of women from the Federal Constitutional Amendment (fourteenth and fifteenth). After the Declaration the Sentiments the formation of National Women Suffrage Association provided an entity that could fight for the rights of women (Keller, 2003). The 19th Amendment (1920) Nineteenth amendment took place on June 14, 1919 when the nineteenth amendment was passed in the constitution by congress (Burgan, 2006). This was one of the largest steps for women in America, though the amendment was proposed 40 years but in 1920 it provided a legal right for women of America to achieve national reorganization for right to vote. It allowed women in certain states to vote during 1912 but it took eight more years to gain official national amendment (Burgan, 2006). It states, â€Å"The right of citizen of United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State o account of sex† (Burgan, 2006). For the fist time in the American history women were given a legal status to caste their votes. Through the continuous efforts of the National Suffrage Women Association, the nineteenth amendment was approved (Burgan, 2006). This was fo r the first time in the American history that women enjoyed participating in the election and to caste their votes. The amendment can be determined as a point, where women were treated as an equal citizen. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) In 1948, United Nation passed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This plays a significant role in the movement of women as it declared women right for women around the world. The Universal Declaration states that all people around the world should have same rights with

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Benefits and Disadvantages of Country Living Essay

The Benefits and Disadvantages of Country Living - Essay Example This means that even though you can easily find public transport it will take you much longer to reach your destination because of the high traffic. According to the Texas Transportation Institute cities with the worst traffic include Long Beach, Santa Ana, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington D.C, Fort Worth, Dallas, Texas, Houston, Chicago, Arlington, Riverside, Detroit, San Jose, San Diego, Orlando and Atlanta (Malone). If you live in the country you must have your own otherwise transport is almost impossible however it takes much less time because of the peaceful roads.It is not only public transport that is a problem, the lack of other amenities such as branded stores and eating places is also a hassle. There are much less extracurricular activities to enjoy. If you are bored in the city you can watch a movie, go to a concert, eat out at a fine restaurant or cafà © or simple hang out at a bar; there are countless places to choose from. A significant difference in the quality of education in the city and the country also leads to many people moving to the cities. There are so many good schools and universities in the city where you can achieve excellent education whereas in the country you will find that educational institutes are limited and sometimes the courses or classes offered are limited too as compared to the city where there are numerous education opportunities. Although it may seem strange the cost of living in the country has risen by 20 percent for the more remote areas (Charlotte). So this is one aspect you need to keep in mind before you decide to settle in the countryside. The distances between places are greater which means more fuel costs. But an advantage is that you will get to walk more which is a very healthy workout. The air is also cleaner in the country so you will be exercising without even realizing.

Choose one out of three in the instructions Essay

Choose one out of three in the instructions - Essay Example e against Gay Marriage,† focuses on the potential negative effects of same-sex marriage on the educational and psychological development of children and how same-sex marriage is against liberalism. Thus, the main objections of the dissidents of same sex marriage are: 1) gay marriage should be illegal, because homosexual behavior is immoral (Ferguson 39), 2) allowing gay marriage will put a â€Å"stamp of approval† on gay conduct (Rajczi 488), 3) legalizing gay marriage is illiberal (Shell), and 4) same-sex marriage will weaken traditional marriage and produce a wide array of social harms (Nussbaum; Shell). This paper provides counterarguments to these main arguments of those against same-sex marriage. The central rebuttal argument for this paper answers the question: Should gay marriages be allowed? The previous paragraph shows the major arguments of those against marriage. This paper presents counterarguments to the validity and credibility of these claims. It will provide an overview of the arguments against gay marriage, which will be countered one by one. Gay marriages should be allowed, because not all immoral actions have been sanctioned by the government; gay marriage is not against liberalism; gay conduct is an example of free speech act that the Constitution protects; and researchers against same-sex marriage have not provided concrete empirical evidence that same-sex marriage is bad for gay spouses, children, and society in general. First, opponents of gay marriage argue that gay marriage should be illegal, because homosexual behavior is immoral (Ferguson 39; Whitehead 74). The state, however, is expected to treat all citizens as equals. When asked, â€Å"What does it mean for the government to treat its citizens as equals?† Ronald Dworkin eminently answers that â€Å"government must be neutral on what might be called the questions of the good life† (Barry 335). This pledge of neutrality is captured in the â€Å"Basic Principle† of liberalism: â€Å"The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Adults Returning to College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Adults Returning to College - Essay Example 'Adults returning to college', is essentially a transition beyond the ordinary.Foremost, it is a social conversion for the adult; jumping into an era that was, at least theoretically, long gone. It is time travel in a very crude and possibly uncomfortable way. Regardless of the academic value and professional excellence that education may provide, the impact of identifying with the fact that the peers shall no longer be of the same age group, a feeling of being a misfit is created. This generates a social challenge that can only coped with successfully if time and understanding friends stick by. Other than that, one should remember the primary concern for re-entering the college. It may be for educational superiority, for professional excellence, for career searching, or merely to relive a once imagined dream. Whatever the preference, it should, by all means, supersede the social challenge.Another relevant issue is that of changed domestic commitments. Years back, when one would have been single, independent and free of domestic liability, college could have seemed much more feasible. However, with a job, a spouse and a couple of children (who themselves require adequate education), the picture seems in a totally different frame. This one factor alone probably deters many middle-aged individuals from returning to college - the myth of not being able to cope with family and studies together is just too strong to be broken with ease. With the work-at-hand and other personal commitment in modern times, the time spent with the family is already less than desired in many cases. Considering college in such circumstances becomes a real challenge. An associated problem to the one just mentioned, which only those can appreciate to the fullest who have gone through it, is child bearing and rearing. Largely for working single parents and even with professionally occupied couples, adequate care giving for their children is always a thwarted goal - something they feel to be missing out on every day of their life. Add college studies to this, and you can just forget about giving your child any time at all; at least till where they assume! However, for infants and even slightly older children, many community colleges offers daycare centers and customized child care services that actually help the student (whatever the age) to organize their course work and manage their domestic life in a better manner than they were doing before. A feeling of being intellectually rusty is another great demeanor for those who seek to go back to college at a later stage. Somehow, they rate intellect and creativity to youth; quite ironically, youngsters consider elders as more intelligible on the simple premise of maturity. This stark contrast, however, affects the adults more adversely than it does the young ones. For one, the youth feel that they might grow up one day to 'that' particular level of maturity. Whereas the elder person does not have that hope, as he has been through both phases and knows his/her correct standing. According to the Education and Employment Information Center, "Adult learners tend to be highly motivated and tend to approach learning in a mature manner". The psychological issue of being inferior, an under-achiever and out of sorts is also a hidden yet potent factor. Even if a person has the ability to learn and excel, the factor of being 'left behind' one's own friends, and to be amongst those of a different era gives rise to a series of timid ideas and mediocre feelings about

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

History of Nail Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History of Nail Care - Essay Example In ancient Egypt, the color of the nails of an individual determined his/her status and class – it was an emblem of importance. While individuals of lower rank were only permitted to wear pale colors on their nails; queens and kings wore deep red (Trapp, 13 and David, para1). During the reign of Queen Nefertiti, red nail colors symbolized the status of royals. Furthermore, the famous queen Cleopatra who ruled Egypt always painted her nails with a rusty red color, which was only set aside for the queen (HubPages Inc., para2). Similarly, in ancient China, fingernails played an important role in identifying the nobles. Individuals who held high status wore long nails as a symbol of their status, and their nail color revealed their social class. Silver and gold colors were an emblem of highest power and rank, while red and black represented boldness and strength. The common people, on the other hand, used pale tones, and they symbolized weakness. The Chinese came up with a nail polish made from gum Arabic, beeswax, gelatin, and egg whites around 3,000 B.C. In Chou Dynasty, Chinese individuals of highest status and ranks painted their nails with silver and gold polish in 600 B.C. During the 15th Century, Chinese Ming Dynasty’s leaders painted their nails red and black. Before the battle in Babylon, early Rome and Egypt, military commanders spent hours curling and lacquering their hair and painting their nails and their lips with the same color (HubPages Inc., para3 and Trapp, 13). Nail care started being a part of glamour and fashion in the 19th century. With the technological and social advancements, new nail care tools started surfacing in Europe. A foot doctor by the name Sitts devised a wooden manicure apparatus in the year 1830. Prior to his invention, people used acid, scissors, metal rod, among others for manicure. During this period, slightly pointed nail styles or almond-shaped nails were common. The

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hydrogen Gas Lab Essay Example for Free

Hydrogen Gas Lab Essay * For the mass, an uncertainty of0.01g was used, as the uncertainty was stated on the weighing machine. * For the volume, an uncertainty of0.05mL was used, as it was half the smallest increment on the graduated cylinder. * For the temperature, an uncertainty of0.5 was used, as it was half the smallest increment on the thermometer. Sample Calculation Converting mL to L Data Processing: Magnesium+HCl Reaction -Finding the molar volume at STP of hydrogen gas when HCl is reacted with magnesium. Finding Pressure of (Pressure of H2O at 21=0.02763) Finding Volume of at STP 0.002 Sample Calculation Finding Uncertainty for Finding moles of Moles of Finding Molar Volume of at STP. Zinc+HCl Reaction Experimentally calculating molar mass of zinc using the ideal gas laws. Finding Pressure of (Pressure of H2O at 21=0.02763) Finding Moles of Determining Molar Mass of Zn Conclusion: In conclusion it was found that the molar volume of hydrogen gas that was produced when hydrochloric acid reacted with magnesium was 19L/mol3. Ideally it should be 22.4L/mol according to the ideal gas laws. There is a percent difference of 15% between the two values. But if uncertainties are considered the percent difference is reduced to 2%. This is an acceptable value because the actual value of 22.4L/mol is an approximation in ideal conditions according to the ideal gas laws. The ideal gas laws dont take into consideration the attractive forces between atoms, or the volume of the atoms. And most likely if those factors were considered then the percent difference would be 0%. For the second part of the experiment it was experimentally found using the ideal gas laws that the molar mass of zinc is 124 g/mol. When compared with the actual value of 65g/mol, there is a percent difference of 90%. And even if uncertainties are considered, the percent difference is only reduced to 64%. This is too big; therefore the data is rendered unreliable. There were quite a few weaknesses and limitations in this lab. First of all the volume of H2O mixed in with the H2 gas was not considered. Had it been considered, then the volume found at STP would have been lower, and it would give a more accurate measurement to what the experimental value is. Another weakness in this lab was the fact that the molar mass of zinc was twice as big as its accepted value. The most likely reason for this is that when the zinc reacted, it is likely that some of the hydrogen gas was not in the beaker, but the hydrogen gas escaped into the air. That is why when the formula n=PV/RT was used, the volume in the numerator was half as big as it should be, which in turn caused the calculated molar mass to double. So it can be assumed that approximately half the hydrogen gas escaped into the air. Another weakness was the fact that the apparatus was left over night, and so if there was a microscopic hole or crack, then the chances of the hydrogen escaping is very high. This would be true because, and since hydrogen has the lowest molar mass of all the elements, it would have a very high velocity, and so it is possible that the hydrogen gas was able to escape through a microscopic hole at a fast rate because it has such a high velocity. Not only that, but since it was left overnight, it would have had more time to escape the beaker. There are a number of ways that this lab could be improved. First of all, a new graduated cylinder should be used to ensure that there are no cracks or holes through which the hydrogen gas can escape. Along with that the apparatus should not be left out overnight, but instead the reaction should be speeded up by heating up the apparatus, and then taking the measurements of the volume of gas every 1 minute. This in turn would decrease the amount of energy lost to the environment, and it would end up giving more accurate results. Next time, the volume of should also be considered. A percentage value can be used, since we know the pressure that gives, that pressure can be converted into a percent, and multiplies by the total volume, and then inversed. This in turn will in turn give the volume of .This will hold true because V=nRT/P, so pressure and volume are inversely proportional, and since nRT is a constant V and P have to change accordingly.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

British Punk Movement Causes

British Punk Movement Causes Was the Punk movement in Britain merely a working class response to the advent of Thatcherism and free-market ideas? Im in love with Margaret Thatcher; that is what the Notsensibles ironically sang, or let us say yelled, in 1979 (Im in love with Margaret Thatcher). Maggie, Maggie you cunt! added violently the Exploited in 1985 (Maggie, Horror Epics). The corpus of songs written on, or rather against, Margaret Thatcher is quite extensive, not only during the Punk years, which is not surprising since she was the only British Prime Minister in the 20th century to win three consecutive terms-May 1979, June 1983 and June 1987. At the time of her resignation in November 1990, she was Britains longest continuously serving Prime Minister since 1827. During the eleven years she spent at number 10, the change of style she imposed on British politics and economy was tremendous to the extent that to some commentators there was no turning back (Jones et al. 666) and it would be a euphemism to say that nobody remained unconcerned about Mrs Thatchers revolution. No wonder then, that between the Punks wearing their leather jackets, smoking sixty cigarettes a day and staying up all night on speed (Savage 133), and the dressed up to the nine woman from Grantham, who was an Oxford educated Conservative and a Methodist, the clash was inevitable. That is the reason why it is chiefly interesting to ask the following question: Was the Punk movement in Britain merely a working class response to the advent of Thatcherism and free-market ideas? In other words, is it possible to relate to a major shift in politics one of the most famous, aggressive, contradictory, and yet ephemeral phenomenon of British popular culture? If such a question might appear quite obvious given the contemporaneousness between the emergence of the Punk culture-or subculture-and Thatchers rise to power, it will nevertheless require a balanced answer. Indeed, one of the key elements of our analysis will be, first, to take a closer look at the sociopolitical context in order to break the stereotypes. We will then be led to wonder whether the message conveyed by the Punks was rather concerned with a certain type of society at large. Finally, we will observe that the artificiality of Punk music and its merchandising definitely challenges the so-called proletarian revolt against a new political and economic order. There is nothing easier but to systematically oppose Thatcherism and the British Punk movement since they approximately emerged at the same time. Margaret Thatcher had become leader of the Conservative Party in 1975 and had begun formulating her own brand of Tory policy while the following single from the Sex Pistols-probably the most famous and influential Punk band in Britain-was released in November 1976: Anarchy in the UK (Savage 563). Nevertheless, that would be forgetting that most of the social strain had been accumulated under the Callaghan-Labour-government: By July 1975, England was in recession. The unemployment figures for that month were the worst since the Second  World  War . . . . Not only had output shrunk, but public spending had risen to 45 per cent of the national income, and was threatening to unbalance the whole economy. (Savage  108) Dave Laing, in One Chord Wonders, analysed the subject-matter of the lyrics on the debut albums of the first five punk groups to achieve prominence in 1976-7 (27) and very interestingly concluded that the overwhelming number . . . of social and political comment lyrics came from the first Clash album [The Clash] (29). That proves that social (economic, political, etc.) preoccupations were already there before Margaret Thatchers first premiership, before a truly Thatcherite government was ever established. Therefore, the idea according to which the Punk movement would be a mere response to Thatcherism is being challenged quite importantly here. We have used the word Thatcherism several times already, but what does it really mean? An attempt to define what that could be might prove very useful to our analysis. According to Overbeck: Thatcherism is a reasonably coherent and comprehensive concept of control for the restoration of bourgeois rule and bourgeois hegemony in the new circumstances of the 1980s . . . The central elements in the Thatcherite concept are the reorientation of Britains foreign policy and the redefinition of its place in the world; its attack on the position of the trade unions and the Labour Party (Thatcher aims to eliminate socialism as a serious political force); the restructuration of the role of the state in the economy; and finally a reordering of the balance of power between different fractions of capital in Britain. (in  Jessop  et  al. 3) That long definition seems to establish Thatcherism as a political theory, an ideology, such as Marxism for instance. Nevertheless, most modern commentators share the . . . view that Thatcherism does not represent a coherent ideology (Evans 2). Indeed, as Peter Riddell reminds us: the [first] Thatcher administration has not followed a pure free-market or monetarist programme, though strands of both have clearly been important (6). He suggests another definition: Thatcherism is essentially an instinct, a series of moral values and an approach to leadership rather than an ideology (7). We have to leave there the definitional considerations for it would be too long to go through all of them-full books have been written on the matter-but it was interesting to point those out because since some specialists argue that there is no such thing as Thatcherism, we could have a hard time trying to prove that the Punk movement in Britain merely was (or was not) a working class response to it. As far as the working class is concerned, when one reads the lyrics of Maggie, a song by the Exploited we have already alluded to in our introduction, it is true that it clearly refers to its financial difficulties: Twenty five quid to live on, seven days a week to survive! Five and twenty pictures of the queen! You wont see the starvation in her eyes! Twenty five quid to dish out and youre already ten in debt, so with fifteen singles left over the landlord gets the rest! Maggie, Maggie you cunt! Maggie, Maggie you cunt! Maggie, Maggie you cunt! Maggie, Maggie, Maggie, Maggie you fucking cunt! Twenty five reasons for trouble! Three million mouths to feed! Theyre destroying your mind and body while they increase their own needs. Twenty five quid of insult! Two meals soon kills your health! They want to see you suffer! They want to see you dead! (Horror Epics) Indeed, despite the end of the recession in 1982, unemployment continued to rise [and] reached a peak of 3.2 millions in 1985 and the cost of unemployment benefit . . . on those in work continued to increase (Evans 29). One of the government counter-measures was to ma[ke] it less easy to qualify for unemployment benefits (op. cit.). But, nevertheless, if we take a look at the structure of the popular vote in the 1979 and 1983 general elections we observe that the working class-a shrinking category-vote swung from the left to the right. This is a phenomenon called dealignment, which Peter Dorey defines as such: the changing allegiance and electoral behaviour, particularly with regard to identification with, and regular support for, a political party (154). The reasons for dealignment are numerous and we cannot go through all of them here but let us just say that, among other things, the crisis had brought on a great uncertainty about the future and that Labour was not trusted anymore to solve social issues. Furthermore, Mrs Thatchers law and order policy was appealing to people living in poor and unsecure areas. As a result, Labour . . . witnessed its working-class support fall to 50 per cent in 1979 (and to 42 percent in 1983) (Dorey 155). Finally, British punk bands political orientation was ambiguous: La semaine oà ¹  «Ã‚  God Save the Queen  Ã‚ » sortit, les Sex Pistols furent simultanà ©ment accusà ©s dà ªtre communistes, anarchistes et mà ªme dappartenir au National Front (Chastagner 80). Thus, it was hard to see who they were fighting for-but themselves. Moreover, as Laing points out: Right to work by Chelsea was one of the best known of the early punk songs. Its title echoed the slogan of a left-wing campaign against the rising jobless totals of the mid-1970s. But though the song is a protest about standing around just waiting for a career, its diagnosis of the cause of unemployment was impeccably right-wing: the lyric blames the power of the trade unions. (31) Bearing in mind all those considerations, we should now wonder whether the Punk movement in Britain was a reaction against a certain type of society as a whole rather than just a working class response to Thatcherism and free-market ideas-for that view proved being too restricted and often even wrong. The Punks were born in a society which had left them very little hope for the future-in God Save the Queen (Never Mind the Bollocks, Heres the Sex Pistols) the terms Theres no future for you and No Future are repeated many times and were even taken as a leitmotif to describe the punk generation later on-and they reacted violently against a social system which had deprived them of their very essence. To exist, their only chance was then to incorporate the conventional symbols of that society and to throw them back at people in the most absurd and incomprehensible manner-thus foreshadowing post-modernism: quelle que soit la rà ©ussite [des] diffà ©rentes sous-cultures à   exprimer le d à ©sarroi de groupes sociaux, gà ©nà ©rationnels ou ethniques et leur identità © collective, cest bien leur fonction de rà ©sistance symbolique qui est soulignà ©e (Le Guern 46). Otherwise, who could understand the significance of a safety-pin used as a jaw piercing for instance, or the blurred political messages conveyed by the successive punk bands-from Stalinism to Nazism? Of course, what we called a kind of society as a whole also includes music and we should not forget that the Punk movement was also a response to the rock establishment: Rocks neo-elite no longer spoke to this new generation . . . and rock superstars were overindulged rich men who lived in foreign countries to avoid paying taxes that helped to service the working class. As a form of protest against the rock establishment, punkers adopted the attitude of rebellion and dressed themselves in the leathers of the original teen rebels of the American fifties, a sharp commentary on the twisted values of establishment rock. (Eliot 188) As Chastagner pointed out: Le mouvement punk redonnait la musique aux sans-grade, aux malhabiles, aux frustes. Pas besoin dapprentissage, dinitiation, nimporte qui pouvait monter sur scà ¨ne et jouer (81). The One Chord generation was born and their music was vilified by many. Analysing how punk rock was described in the daily and weekly newspapers, Dave Laing noticed a great variety of words pertaining to the following semantic fields: mental illness, physical illness, unpleasant effects, and violence (100). One could think of such an opposition as being the main cause of the short-lived punk experience but it actually was reinvigorating; according to Philip H. Ennis: punk concentrates all the passion once carried by mature rock into an explicit repudiation of adult life (366). Therefore, punk rock could both be seen as a political, social, and artistic movement (independent and nurtured on new trends, such as International Situationism), and as the renaissance of rocknroll in its true form, i.e. before the latter became a product of the consumer society. Rock Roll was once loathed-Franck Sinatra declared: Rock n Roll is the most brutal, ugly, desperate, vicious form of expression it has been my misfortune to hear (in Burnett 29)-and produced by independent labels; it is this existence on the fringe of society that also gave to punk music its apparent authenticity: If BBC radio 1 had been willing to give immediate heavy rotation treatment to, say, the Sex Pistols God Save the Queen the day it was released, then the disc would probably never have been conceived. Popular culture, if it is to be progressive, must embody an element of opposition to the establishment, provocatively questioning the status quo. (Bennet 167) It is definitely not surprising then, that in the case of the Sex Pistols it was their arrival at commercial stardom [that] marked the end of their social relevance (Eliot 188). But we will look into that more extensively later on. For now, we would like to shed light on some of the Punk movements intrinsic contradictions. We have just alluded to independent labels in the previous paragraph. It is relevant to observe here, that many of the anti-Thatcher records were released on independent labels-arguably themselves models of Thatcherite entrepreneurial flair (Heard  BBC News). Moreover, we must remember that Mrs Thatcher asserted the primacy of the individual (Savage 110) and that she valued very much self-reliance, obviously derived from Samuel Smiles notion of self-help described in the late 19th century (Self-Help). We cannot help thinking that those values were not totally incompatible with the kind of selfish attitudes that had emerged during the events of 1968 and which extensively developed in the 1970s along with the Punk movement-one of the Sex Pistols first singles, released in 1976 along with Anarchy in the UK, was titled I Wanna Be Me (Savage 563). To Muggleton: subcultures are manifestations of self-expression, individual autonomy and cultural diversity (167). After those reflections on punk musics relationship with society and culture, we are now obviously led to question the credibility of the Punk movement. We have gathered some obvious clues so far, but what will put another nail in the coffin of Punk music is its artificiality. Indeed, it developed mainly under the influence of Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood, whose preoccupations were very often far from the working class: La naissance du mouvement punk doit beaucoup à   Malcolm McLaren,  «Ã‚  crà ©ateur  Ã‚ » des Sex Pistols. Il ny a rien de spontanà ©, rien de la rà ©volte brute des opprimà ©s, aucune rà ©bellion des damnà ©s de la terre dans le travail de McLaren. Cest un intellectuel, ancien à ©tudiant des Beaux-Arts et nourri des à ©crits situationnistes. Fascinà © par mai 68, il essaya, avec sa compagne de là ©poque, Vivienne Westwood, de faire violence au corps social britannique en se servant de la mode. Ils ouvrirent une boutique de và ªtements sur Kings Road, à   Londres. . . . Le succà ¨s narrivant pas assez vite, McLaren eut lidà ©e de se servir dun groupe de rock comme vitrine pour ses và ªtements et porte-parole de ses thà ©ories. . . . On se rend bien vite compte que la naissance des Sex Pistols et le mouvement punk qui en a dà ©coulà © nest pas une rà ©action spontanà ©e aux conditions sociales de là ©poque. Il y a au dà ©part . . . une stratà ©gie bien à ©l oignà ©e de la rà ©volution prolà ©tarienne. . . . La rhà ©torique  «Ã‚  classe ouvrià ¨re  Ã‚ » est surtout un argument publicitaire. (Chastagner 77-78) The first Sex Pistols concerts took place in Art Schools, it was not a music born in the streets-unlike what is very often said-and it could then be seen as a form of art which message was primarily dedicated to an enlightened university educated elite, and delivered with a fake working class accent. Dave Laing stresses that Lydons pronunciation was very artificial, notably in the song Anarchy in the UK in which the unnatural rhyming of the last syllable of Anti-Christ with Anarchist shifts the attention away from the message to the rhyme-scheme and could momentarily set up an ambivalent signal about the sincerity of the whole enterprise (58). The artificiality was also found in the names. Johnny Lydon was rechristened Johnny Rotten-the legend says that it was because of his very bad dental hygiene-and John Simon Ritchies stage name was Sid Vicious. Moreover, McLarens will to sign his group with a major company is another proof of punk musics ambiguity: it seemingly struggled to fit in the very system it was claiming to reject, to destroy. We witnessed to a love-hate relationship with the music industry, particularly with the very famous EMI episode: The Pistols received a $100,000 advance upon signing, only to be released two days later after a wave of protests from shareholders.  .  .  . (Eliot 188). The band changed record companies several times before finally becoming one of Virgins best selling artists-even though the relationship with Virgin was very tense too. It is also interesting to point out that God Save the Queen was originally titled No Future but that the name was changed into a more commercially effective one to coincide with Elizabeth IIs jubilee and, according to Eliot, [the song] shot to number two, and the group disbanded. Success killed the message; a familiar rock scenario (189). As early as the summer of 1977, cracks started to appear within the punk movement; it looked like things were being made safe again, opposition was being channelled and recuperated, rebellion commodified (McKay 73). A new vanguard known as the post-punks denounced the business punk music had become, even giving a new lease of life to the formerly declining record companies while the punk message had always been-at least, politically speaking-to clearly dismantle the establishment. But as Laing observes: Whether or not punk rock was dead after 1978 [i.e. after the Pistols fragmentation], the punks themselves were not. . . . By 1981 the performances of bands such as The Exploited had all [the characteristics of punk music] (109). He continues, referring to Crass who attacked punk bands who had sold out' (113). Crass is very interesting to look into since they were seen by anarchist thinkers to be the only band carrying the political-musical line forward.  .  .  . (McKay 77) and b ecause one of their bà ªtes noires was, of course, Margaret Thatcher. Their opposition to the Iron Ladys Falklands war was very strong and gave birth to no less than two songs: Sheep Farming in the Falklands, which was one of the best-selling punk records of 1983. . . . (Laing 113), and How Does It Feel (To Be the Mother of a Thousand Dead)? (McKay 81). Crass found themselves largely alone on the punk scene in . . . criticizing the actions of the British government. . . . [Nevertheless, they still managed] to avoid recuperation [and] to maintain political and artistic autonomy in the music industry of all places. That is such an achievement. If punk was a discourse of authenticity, . . . Crass must be placed at the centre of [it]. (McKay 81-82) However, we do think that their do it yourself, DIY attitude-described by McKay as a strategy of bricolage (78)-seems to echo Thatchers thought in an uncanny fashion: recovery can only come through the work of individuals. . . . And the worst thing a Government can do is to try to smother it completely with a sort collective alternative (Speech to Conservative Rally in Cardiff). Some individualistic values were shared-we already observed that before with the Sex Pistols-both by the Punks and Margaret Thatcher, therefore it remains impossible to clearly oppose them. To conclude, we shall remember that we attempted to demonstrate that, for various reasons, the British Punk movement was not a mere working class response to Thatcherism and free-market ideas. Firstly, punk social protests started before the emergence of Thatcherism-if such a political doctrine can even be considered to exist at all. Plus, both the lack of clarity in the punk political message and the working class disillusionment for left-wing ideals led us to think that the issue was far more complex. That is the reason why we then tried to briefly analyse the implications of the Punks criticism of society, notably as a strong symbolic force, and as a vehement opposition to the establishment in general. However, we finally realized that the artificiality of the Punk movement, along with its intrinsic ambiguities pervading our analysis, prevented us to define it as being truly anti-Thatcherite, proletarian, or opposed to free-market economy.

Awareness of Pharmacist Health Care Systems

Awareness of Pharmacist Health Care Systems Abstract:- The aim of the study was to investigate the awareness of local population of Islamabad region regarding the pharmacists and their supplementary/independent prescribing in a primary health care system, and further to identify the importance and need of pharmacist’s independent prescribing. Also to prove that the introduction of pharmacist’s prescribing has the potential to minimize fragmentation within the primary health care system, optimize management of medication, and improve patient care and access to medication. We performed an observational study on patients who visited the pharmacies for medication, and took their views and suggestions through a calibrated questionnaire to evaluate the importance and need of pharmacist independent prescribing. After the consent from the patient, complete medical history was noted and Physical Examination were performed to diagnose the disease and need of the patient. Appropriate prescribing and Interventions were done. After one week telephone calls were made to record the response of patients. Majority of population was in the favor of pharmacist independent prescribing. Introduction: From the last few decades the health care got a tremendous change which make it more accessible to the common person. Pharmacist who is an important part of healthcare team, now his roles have extended from the traditional job of dispensing medicines and elementary medication counseling to working with other health-care professionals at patient bed site and in community (Nkansah, Mostovetsky et al. 2010). Pharmacists are among the most easily available health-care providers. They have roles in medication review, health promotion, and disease management, with in-depth knowledge of pharmacology, clinical Pharmacotheraputics, and patient care skills that are currently underused. Prescribing is not an easy task; it involves significant expertise to apply drug therapy skills, but that is a type of skill that pharmacists can improve. Independent prescribers are responsible for the evaluation of the patients with diagnosed or un-diagnosed disorders, and for decisions about the clinical mana gement required and drawing up a treatment plan. The independent prescriber also has the authority to prescribe the medicines required as part of the plan. United Kingdom was the leading country which introduced new role i.e., Pharmacist independent Prescriber (Avery and Pringle 2005).In United States 38 states were allowed for Collaborative drug therapy management in 2003, however Florida was pioneered in Independent Pharmacist Prescribing (Tonna, Stewart et al. 2008). Method and Materials: Design of this study was based on observational method. A survey was done in order to make findings about independent prescribing of pharmacist in the region of Islamabad. Customers of different pharmacies are being asked questions about prescribing manners in the form of questionnaire. By using this method, full medication history from the patient was available to assess the patient compliance, their understanding of the disease, treatment and related issues. Three Pharmacies of Islamabad Region were selected to accomplish the purposes of this study. Twenty nine patients were randomly selected from these pharmacies who visited the pharmacies with some general diseases and asked the pharmacist for medication. The selected population of twenty nine patients was informed and made clear about the objectives and purposes of the research study and a permission was taken from each of the patient involved in this study through the consent form. The Pharmacists at the pharmacies were provided with a case history sheet to take history of the patients so that effective medication with minimum interactions could be provided. The history sheet included patient’s name, age, sex, chief complaint, history of present illness, the diagnosis made etc. Each of the twenty nine patients visiting the pharmacies was asked about their medication histories and the history sheets were filled to keep the record. After the review of patient history, diagnosis was made and prescription was given to the patient. The therapy outcomes and patient satisfaction was evaluated by telephonic interviews from each of the patient. For this purpose a questionnaire was designed, which contained validated questions to evaluate patient satisfaction with the therapy outcomes and patients were asked for their views and suggestions about independent prescribing by the pharmacist. This questionnaire contained open ended, close ended and choice questions that helped to assess the need of pharmacist in primary health care system as independent prescriber. Results:- The first question which was asked to the patients was whether they know about the pharmacist. This question helped to evaluate how much population of Islamabad region is familiar with pharmacist. 93.1% of population in this study was knew about pharmacist. Discussion:- This study has considered the views of patients about pharmacist independent prescribing. The patients involved in this study were all supportive of pharmacist independent prescribing. Patients were satisfied majorly due to the cost effective medications prescribed by the pharmacist and reduced/minimal hospital visits that contributed to save the fee of physician. As when there is a pharmacist available in a community, the burden on the shoulders of a physician is much reduced, patients do not need to take appointments from the physician, hence, it’s time saving for the patients to visit the pharmacist for the medication. Some patients suggested for a separate independent setup for the pharmacist. These were the patients who were fully satisfied with the independent prescribing of a pharmacist. Some of the patients suggested that pharmacist has more knowledge about medicines, their interactions, contraindications, ADRs so they can prescribe independently. In this study majority of the patients were satisfied with the therapeutic outcome of the Pharmacist Prescribing. Similar studies was conducted in UK and it was found that the participants highly appreciated the extending scope of practice for pharmacist (Latter, Blenkinsopp et al. 2010). Another study, Pharmacists were evaluated for their independent prescribing and it was found that patients were satisfied with the pharmacist knowledge and their prescription (Stewart, MacLure et al. 2011). Recently a survey was conducted regarding patients experience and perception of care provided by the pharmacist independent prescriber, most of the patients were satisfied with the pharmacist prescribing. In comparison with Physician prescribing, most of the patients stated no difference in their practice of care provided (Tinelli, Blenkinsopp et al. 2013). Conclusion:- All patients in this study were supportive of pharmacist independent prescribing in primary health care system. There should be an independent setup for the pharmacist to practice diagnosis and prescribe rationalized treatment. Pharmacists are good in general diseases but need practice in broader area of major diseases.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Nymph Rejects the Shepherd Essay -- Nymphs Reply to the Shepherd

The Nymph Rejects the Shepherd  Ã‚   "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" is Sir Walter Raleigh's poem of compassionate rejection in response to Christopher Marlowe's poem "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love." The reasons the nymph gives for her rejection are just excuses; her real reason for turning the shepherd down is her lack of love for him. The nymph responds to the shepherd's proposal to "come live with me and be my love" (1) by saying all of the things he wants to give her will fade, whither, and be forgotten; therefore, she cannot accept his offer. The shepherd lists in his poem many beautiful things he will give the nymph and all of the wonderful things they will do together. "And we will sit upon the rocks, / Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks...And I will make thee ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Medias Effect On Voters :: essays research papers

In our lazy nation today, most of the American citizen cast their vote on what they see on the news. It is safe to say that the media primarily control peoples opinion on political issues. Unfortunately the worlds most developed nation don't have time to carefully pick their leaders in any level. While vast opportunity of research is available to the American citizen to carefully pick their candidates, they choose to go along with the with what the media tells them to do. It is the media that controls the nation, it is the media that selects the agenda, and it will be the media that selects the president. Media also gives vast amount of information to keep us up to date with the changing world. It is important to watch the news, because news allows us to be up to date on current events. When it comes to keeping up with news, I usually tune to several different sources such as PBS and ABC. I choose to watch PBS and ABC because these sources generally gives the cold facts first, then allows journalist to give their opinion on certain issues. This is helpful because when the viewer knows the facts, they can relate their opinions to the opinions of the journalist. There are times when the media gets carried away with information, they allow their opinion to drive the fact, instead of the facts driving the opinion. This example was experienced in the case between President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. The journalist's opinions, not facts drove the nations though about the issue. After President Clinton testified in front of Mr. Starr we learned the cold facts. This is why I believe media's most important job is to inform the public.Media's job is to inform. I'm not against media's quest to make profit, but I'm against it when media, the informer, gives untrue stories to catch ratings. What is the point of having a teacher who is interested in making money and forgetting about the most important thing, which is to teach children? In a nation that is so dependent on the media, it must be their duty to inform. The president himself is dependent on the media to keep up with the changing world. There must be other ways to gain ratings, but misinforming the public is not one of the options. That is why if I were to run for a public office, my primary link to the electorate would be CNN.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Young Goodman Brown :: essays research papers

Young Goodman Brown   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne was at first a boring read. However the more I read it and began to break it down by sections it was interesting. The short story was written in 1895 it deals with a man and testing his faith. Ultimately this story displays how betrayal can affect someone’s state of mind and actions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story begins with Goodman Brown and his wife Faith. Faith does not want her husband to leave for a midnight walk in the woods. Goodman Brown convinces Faith to let him leave. Little to Faith’s knowledge, her husband has just left to meet with the Devil. Goodman brown goes to this meeting because he knows his faith strong enough to withstand the Devils tricks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Goodman Brown is the protagonist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most obvious antagonist is the Devil. The Devil wants Goodman Brown to follow him deeper into the woods and Brown is against that. The Devil wants Goodman Brown to take his staff, and he wants no part of that. Brown’s pride is what is keeping him there, after each time the Devil makes an attempt to convert Brown, he stays in the woods waiting for the next trick. When he should have left after the first couple of attempts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were several conflicts that contributed to the climax of the story. The first conflict was between Goodman Brown and his wife Faith. Faith did not want Brown to leave. After he was half way into the woods, he thought that Faith might have been trying to protect him by keeping him at home. This is exhibited when Faith says â€Å"Dearest heart she whispered softly and rather sadly, when her lips were close to her ear, put off your journey until sunrise, and sleep in your own bed tonight............Pray, tarry with me this night, dear husband of all nights in the year!† Then Goodman Brown says â€Å"Methought as she spoke there was trouble in her face, as if a dream had warned her what work is to be done tonight!† The second conflict is that between the Devil and Young Goodman Brown. The Devils’ goal is to convert Goodman Brown from worshiping God to worshiping him. The Devil makes several attempts to get Brown on his team. The Devil tries to get Brown to take his staff â€Å"Come Goodman Brown! Cried his fellow traveler, this is a dull pace for the beginning of a journey.

Why Hemp Prduction Should Be Legal in the Us

Uses of Hemp and its Potential Contributions to the United States Hemp is a crop that has been used for many things for many years. The fibers are used for things such as clothes, construction materials, paper, carpet, oil, food, cosmetics, food, and many other things. The hemp industry has been around for as long as ten thousand years. There was a piece of hemp fabric found from around eight thousand BC showing its importance to many civilizations throughout the years. Nowadays, hemp is an agricultural commodity in many nations. Canada is known to be one of the largest hemp growers in the world and use it for a large number of industries.Some countries export hemp products all around the world and use it as a vital part of their economy. The United States is among the few countries that does not permit the production of hemp. The value of hemp has gone unrecognized for many years in the U. S. Out of the industrialized countries in the world, the U. S. is the only country to ban the growth of this crop. The legalization of hemp production in The United States would put many farmers back to work as well as create a very ecological and environmentally safe alternative to multiple harmful industries.From when Europeans first came to North America till the Middle of the nineteenth century, hemp was grown all over. Its availability was useful for many families and companies. Hemp was also grown by two of our first presidents because of its versatility and efficient uses. The Declaration of independence was in fact, written on hemp paper. Hemp was actually a required crop in the Colonial times. It became a commodity and was an overall great use of land. The name â€Å"cannabis† comes from a variation of â€Å"canvas† because of hemps use in sails for boats.Before cotton, hemp was very common in forms of fibers which could be used for twine, paper and many other things. Once people came out with cotton gins and other very efficient ways to harvest and ma ke fabric out of cotton, hemp became a less competitive material. Also, imported materials began to take over the hemp industry. Throughout the 1930’s, people realized the euphoric effects of the plant and began to isolate and genetically develop the leaves and flowers to get a plant that produced large amounts of the desired chemical. This plant is known as marijuana.This is when laws began to pass restricting restrictive laws that only allowed the industrial use of cannabis in the form of hemp. During World War Two, the federal government actually paid farmers and encouraged them to continue to grow hemp. Its availability was greatly taken advantage of during the war. Between the war and the late 1950’s, other synthetic fibers for various materials were a competitive industry causing less and less hemp growth in the United States. Also, many efforts were made by the public to illegalize drugs. This contributed to the fade out of hemp use. Mass, 2009) The Controlled S ubstances Act was passed in 1970 making hemp illegal to cultivate without a permit. These permits were very difficult to get through the DEA. From this point on, all hemp products come from other countries or the hemp materials used to make things are also imported. Now days, about half of the states in the nation are pushing to legalize the industrial uses of hemp. They are conducting studies to consider the economic and environmental value of hemp. These states want to be able to grow hemp industrially based on state law.They would like to be able to do so without a permit from the federal government. This would override the Controlled Substance Act unless they redefine hemp as not a controlled substance. Hemp cannot be hidden in fields. It is very tall and grown very close together for maximum stalk. Hemp fibers come from the stalk of the plant therefore leaves and flowers are of no use to hemp growers. Hemp is also harvested before the plant even begins to seed. This differs fro m marijuana in the sense that marijuana growers spread out their crop to maximize leaves and flowers.Marijuana is usually grown for the seed and flower buds solely for the high. Hemp on the other hand is never grown for smoking. The purpose of growing hemp is for the multitude of uses of the stalk fibers. When looking at hemp from an environmental standpoint, it is a very healthy crop for the earth. From planting all the way to using its products, hemp is a very environmentally friendly plant. As it grows, hemp fertilizes the soil through its complex and deep root systems as well as the top soil that comes from the shedding of leaves. The soil, the water and the air are not polluted during the growth of hemp.Pesticides are rarely used giving clean water runoff. This differs from crops like cotton because when cotton is grown, the soil becomes nutrient deficient and the soil becomes less desirable. There have been farmers who claim hemp has steadily been grown in the same locations e very year for nearly one hundred years. Many people are concerned about the use of trees for paper. Hemp would be a great alternative to this issue as well because the amount of pulp a farmer can get from hemp over a season is much more than timber. Trees take many years to grow and hemp is replenished in a matter of months.The process of turning hemp into paper uses much less contamination in the pressing and bleaching processes. Other interesting facts about hemp paper are described in Hemp: The New, Old Fiber Makes a Comeback for Clothes, Fabrics and Home Furnishings. â€Å"Hemp fiber paper resists decomposition and does not yellow with age when an acid-free process is used. The long fibers in hemp allow hemp paper to be recycled more times than wood-based paper. † (Mass, 2009) The rapid growth speed of hemp makes it one of the most efficient crops in the sense of yield per acre. Hemp can produce 250 percent more fiber than cotton and 600 percent more fiber than flax using the same amount of land† (Mass, 2009). In further comparison of hemp and cotton, the fibers that are obtained from hemp stalks and bark, include the very long bast fibers. These types of fibers are stronger and a better insulator. After the harvest, the goal is to make the crop into some sort of textile that can be distributed to other companies for various uses. This process is extensive for any crop however; the processes used in hemp cause significantly less damage to the earth than other materials such as cotton.The process does use a large amount of water that will become more efficient in the future but compared to processes for other textiles, hemp is a better choice ecologically. Going into the uses for hemp, it is not destructive to the environment which shows it is a great alternative to many other materials that share the same uses as hemp. Some of hemp’s uses that are ecologically more efficient than others are; paper products, textiles, molded plastics, bo dy care products, construction, livestock feed and breeding, nutritional supplements, essential oils, medicines, food and many more. Small, 2002) With clothing, hemp is warmer than cotton and breathes better than cotton, leather and other materials widely used for clothing. â€Å"Hemp’s fiber molecule has a shaft-like structure that allows it to: wick moisture off the body and dry quickly; allow the wearer to feel warmer when wet, even in cold conditions; keep the wearer cool, comfortable and fresh, even in very hot and/or humid conditions. † (Mass, 2009) One material made from hemp that is very versatile, is plastics.John Wolodko, an advanced materials program leader gives his word on plastics, â€Å"This is traditionally made from fiberglass†¦ Products made from biocomposites work as well as those made from conventional materials, with the advantages of being lighter and less expensive. The ability of environmentally friendly products to compete with non-renewa ble products like fiberglass makes for a competitive and promising future for the biocomposites industry. † (Edmonton, 2009) Plastic is used in so many things from lawn chairs to automobile body parts to toothbrushes.This new process for plastics would be a fantastic alternative to the previous fiberglass methods. As an antibacterial fabric, hemp clothing is good for people with allergies to some chemicals that are included in the processes of other clothing materials. It also won’t begin to smell bad as fast as other materials. A big positive quality of hemp is that it is completely biodegradable as well as very strong and resistant to the wear and tear of daily life. It is great for people who are outside in nature a lot due to these qualities.Hemp can also be converted into a fuel in the form of pellets or liquid gas. This energy source, according to the U. S. Department of Energy, â€Å"requires the least specialized growing and processing procedures of all hemp pr oducts†. Fuel and energy is a major concern in our country and hemp could contribute significantly to the problems we face. Countries such as Great Britain and Germany had hemp bans like the United States but have lifted those in the last 20 years. Farmers in Europe are subsidized for their hemp output by the EU.Canada allows hemp production for commercial use and it is a large part of their economy. Hemp is a safe and environmentally friendly alternative to a wide variety of the United States industries and the legalization of hemp production on the commercial level would be a great addition to our country on an environmental and economic level.References Bourrie, M. (2003). Hemp: A Short History of the Most Misunderstood Plant and its Uses and Abuses. Firefly Books. Edmonton, A. (2009, October 31). Unconventional Crop – hemp – could sprout new industry. Troy Media. Retrieved October 29, 2010, from Unconventional crop – hemp – could sprout new indu stry Read more: Unconventional crop – hemp – could sprout new industry | Troy Media Corporation http://www. troymedia. com/? p=4791#ixzz14R5QAUP7 Mass, E. (2009, May). Hemp: The New, Old Fiber Makes a Comeback for Clothes, Fabrics and Home Furnishings. Natural Life, 127, 36-38. Retrieved November 1, 2010, from EBSCO database. Small, E. and D. Marcus. 2002. Hemp: A new crop with new uses for North America. p. 284–326. In: J. Janick and A. Whipkey (eds. ), Trends in new crops and new uses. ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Executive Remuneration Analysis of Vodafone

Executive profits analysis of Vodaf i 1. Introduction Executive net is the allowance which lodge give backs for the administrator directors. Since the early 1980s, decision maker director fee increase rapidly. The un just nowified increase of administrator earnings pushes the reform of recompense constitution. The Cadbury code mentioned this problem in the encrypt of Practice in 1995. Cadbury gives some suggestions to companies close to the decision maker wages policy.According to his suggestions, companies should dividend get along retribution into the basic net income and action- calculated inducement, and the allowance reputation should publish in the course of instructionbook inform every course 1. In additional, UK presidency provides the vote right for sh areholders to supervise the lodges executive director net income, it as well crowd out force executive directors taking investors touch on into account when they design the partnership d odging 2. The analysis of big companies net profit policy is to a greater extent empha coat by investors and government, especially after the two hundred8 pecuniary crisis.Investors are gainful more attention to whether the executives deserve the mellowed reinforcing stimulus. at that placefore, the analysis of executive profit is more necessary and valuable. Companies in FTSE c ache the highest market capitalization in UK, and it fashion the analysis of FTSE 100 companies is most valuable. Vodafone assembly, as one of the biggest corporation in the FTSE 100 companies, has business in almost 70 countries. And the market capitalization is nearly ? 90bn 3. final stratum, Vittorio Calao, the CEO? of Vodafone received around ? 0m for wages in pecuniary form 2012, which is one of the highest pay in the FTSE 100 4. Although the executive rewards are higher(prenominal) than early(a)s in the FTSE 100, in that location still are 96. 12% shareholders bal deal out in fav our with the Vodafones profit policy 5. This raises the question that why there are a huge arrive of shareholders convincingly supports their highest fee. This essay analyses the executive lucre for Vodafone pes. Firstly, it volition talk around the fee principle. Then the hire charge will be discussed.This bulge aims to mea current whether the profits commissioning according to the UK Corporate politics economy. The third part will excuse the remuneration share of Vodafone pigeonholing, two base salary and various bonuses are include. At last, the essay will discuss the tenableness of Vodafones executive remuneration from the locatings of remuneration policy itself and the comparison with other companies. 2. net income principle The aim of Vodafones executive remuneration is driving executives to strike the companys long-run strategic goals by offering an attractive and competitive reward 6.Vodafone wishes to make sure that their executive directors propert y in the highest level in break by providing an attractive requital. For example, a part of rewards are measured by the work for this year. Therefore, executive directors were given an opportunity to achieve the truly exceptional action. The remuneration packet is fixed by net profit delegation after Comprehensive consideration. The lucre delegation will choose some applicable crowd of comparators when setting numerate reward. It makes sure that the executive remuneration policies are considered on a fare compensation basis.The comparators are choosing from some basic considerations, which are as follows 1) top europiuman companies, 2) top UK companies, 3) peculiarly for scarce skills, and 4) the pertinent market in question 6. These comparators mean that Europe is the major(ip) region for business for Vodafone, and the company is first from UK. According to above collar principles, the remote comparators are consisting by equivalent size companies, and the Europ ean top 25 companies and a few other select companies relevant to the sector.Additionally, the outer comparator group do not including the financial companies, much(prenominal) as beach and insurance company. another(prenominal) important stipend principle is that the rewards will related to the mathematical process both long-run and short-term. According to the annual Report of 2012, process-based reward account for 70% in the whole remuneration box 6. Vodafone build a link mingled with executive directors and shareholders by this way, in pose to force executive directors think closely shareholders interest. 3. hire CommitteeAccording to the UK Corporate Governance Code, the Remuneration Committee must include at least three independent non-executive directors 7. The Remuneration Committee of Vodafone is consisting by independent non-executive directors and running game independently in the company. The chairman of Remuneration Committee is Luc Vandevelde, and there ar e other atomic number 23some members in the Remuneration Committee. entirely of them are the non-executive directors in company. There overly are two external advisers PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (pwc) and Towers Watson.Pwc is creditworthy for performance analysis and giving suggestions some company strategy and measuring the performance. It besides supports the international business of Vodafone, such as tax, finance, compliance and appendages. Another external advisor Towers Watson provides the market data of executive payment to Remuneration Committee. They to a fault manage the pensions and upbeat for Vodafone 6. There are a solidifying of factors need to be considered by Remuneration Committee when deciding the payment package. Firstly, Remuneration Committee consults the CEO and HR directors mind of the appropriate reward package for executives.Secondly, the external advisors give the Committee another perspective form the external information analysis. They heap p rovide the benchmark of directors reward about other like company on the market. Additionally, Committee also take the companys strategy into account, both semipermanent and short-term are important. In fiscal year 2012, Remuneration Committee had quint meetings to discuss the short-run Incentive bonus, long-term Incentive plan and basic salary in order to determine the radical remuneration packages of the executive directors appropriately 6.Remuneration Committee particularly report four question executive directors in the Directors Remuneration Report, including principal(prenominal) Executive Vittotio Colao, Chief Financial military officer Andy Halford, Chief Technology Officer Stephen Pusey and regional CEO Europe Michel Combes, and the reporting also include the reward of non-executive directors. 4. Remuneration package The Vodafone remuneration package is divided into five parts base salary, global short-run Incentive excogitate (GSTIP), world-wide long Incentive design (GLTI) base awards, orbicular semipermanent Incentive Plan (GLTI) co-investment duplicate awards and benefit 6.These parts reflect the remuneration policy of Vodafone which make the executives holing a lot of company shares to align the interest of executive directors and investors. It also come afters the UK Corporate Governance Code that keeping the reward in a level which is attractive and motivate to the directors, and design the performance- related income based on long-term strategy. Base salary aims to attract and save the best talents. It reflects the directors level of skill, experience and the debt instrument in Vodafone. In fiscal year 2012, Committee decided the base salary stay at the same level with 20116.Global (GSTIP) measure the performance in this financial year with the short- term financial and non- financial intention, and the GSTIP is gainful in hard capital in June 2013. The related performance is redevelopment taxation (25%), EBITDA (25%) , changeed bountiful cash period of time (20%) and competitive performance assessment (30%). This bonus tush geological period from 0-200% of base salary, and it reward 93. 4% of target for financial year 20126. Global long Incentive Plan (GLTI) is consist of performance shares which award every year and vest three eld later to force directors on the Vodafones long-term strategy.The vesting of performance shares is determined by the adjust free cash arise and relative TSR performance. Both surgical procedureal performance and external performance are included in the two measures in GLTI. The target GLTI face value of CEO is 137. 5% for basic salary, and 110% for other directors. In this year, executive directors was rewarded the vesting the shares of 2008 fiscal year at 30. 6% of maximum 6. Global Long-Term Incentive Plan (GLTI) co-investment matching awards content that executive directors arsehole purchase Vodafone practice shares and turning them to performance share s after guardianship three age.Benefit is the pension scheme for the executive director and other benefit such as company car and head-to-head medical insurance. 5. Analysis of the director remuneration pick up 1 Total remuneration for 2012 (based on Vodafone 2012 yearbook Report) The pre public figure 1 shows the detail of the lend remuneration for fiscal year 2012 including a value for GLTI payment. Without the GLTI vesting during this year, Vodafone truly paid 30. 35m pounds to CEO Colao, 19. 27m pounds to CFO Halford, 21m pounds to Europe region CEO Combes, and 14. 08m pounds for CTO Pusey 6.The Figure 1 illustrates that all the four chief executive directors incomes are increase except the CTO Pusey. Although the total rewards were general increase, GSTIP for fiscal year 2012 was decreasing. In the mean period, salary and cash in seat of pension were keeping in the similar level with last year. Therefore, the increasing of total remuneration was due to the significant increasing of the item cash in situation of GLTI dividends. During the fiscal year 2012, the Global Short-Term Incentive was deduct from last year. The total actual short term fillip payment was 93. %, while the target payment is 100% and the maximum payment is 200% for the basic salary 6. According to the remuneration policy of Vodafone, GSTIP is influenced by the performance for this year. There are four indicates to measure the GSTIP service revenue, EBITDA, adjusted free cash menstruate and competitive performance assessment. According to the 2012 annual report, the service revenue slightly increased to 46. 4bn pounds, which was just arrival the target performance 6. However, the EBITAD and adjust free cash flow were cut down, especially the adjust free cash flow.Because of the loss of China expeditious Limited and the dividends of SFR, the actual pay-out percentage for adjust free cash flow is 8. 5, while the target performance is 20% in the whole GSTIP 6. The policy of GST IP is related to both the financial and non-financial performance in this year in order to measure the executive short-term performance in a rational way. The target performance is not only based on the Vodafones strategy and past operation, but also taking the long-term strategy into account. Figure 2 Adjust free cash flow target and range for awards establish on Vodafone 2012 Annual Report) Figure 3 GLTI award for 2008 & 2009 (based on Vodafone 2012 Annual Report) setback the reducing of DSTIP, cash for Global Long-Term Incentive Plan is significant increase. The GLTI is determined by adjust free cash flow and the TSR outperformance of a peer group median. These two indicators consist a intercellular substance in order to measure the sexual operational performance and external performance. The long-term operation cycle is three years which means the target performance of financial year 2012 was settled in 2010.According to Figure 2, the target for 2012 is 18bn pounds, while the actual adjusted free cash flow for 2012 was 20. 9bn pounds 6. Another important measure is the TSR performance. The figure 3 shows that Vodafones TSR was outperformance than the peer group which take shape by the similar size companies. The TSR performance increasing by 18. 5% in 2012, and exceed the target number. Therefore, the TSR performance for 2012 was paid by 100% of maximum to executive directors, while there is only 30% in 2011.Figure 4 Five year historical TSR performance (based on Vodafone 2012 Annual Report) panel 1 Comparison of Vodafone & BT Group (Base on 6 8 9 10) 201220112010 CEO Reward ?000Total tax revenue ?bnCEO Reward ?000Total tax income ?bnCEO Reward ?000Total Revenue ?bn Vodafone303546. 46282645. 88266844. 47 BT Group250518. 90235920. 1210520. 1 To compare with other similar size companies in UK, figure 4 reflects the Vodafone TSR performance compare with the intermediate level of FSTE 100. From this figure, it indicates that Vodafones TSR performance is higher than the average level of FSTE 100.It means that the Vodafone Group is in a better operation situation among FSTE 100 companies. Therefore, it is reasonable that Vodafones executive remuneration is higher than the similar size companies. Additionally, the comparison in Table 1 is shown in similar result. BT Group is another strong competitor of Vodafone in UK telecommunication industry. The numbers in send back 1 are published in the annual report for the two companies from 2010 to 2012. The total revenue of Vodafone is basically twice as much as BT Group, while the discrimination between the CEO remuneration is just around ? m in the three years. Through above analysis, Vodafone remuneration is in a rational level, and it is corresponding to its operation performance. 6. Conclusion All in all, Vodafone executive remuneration is acceptable and in a rational level. It not only reflects the operation performance but also obey the rules of UK Corporate Governance Code. The ex ecutive remuneration is setting by an independent remuneration committee which consist by five non-executive directors and two external advisors.The remuneration report is published by Remuneration Committee in Vodafones Annual Report. The remuneration package divide into base salary, Global Short-Term Incentive Plan (GSTIP), Global Long-Term Incentive Plan (GLTI) base awards, Global Long-Term Incentive Plan (GLTI) co-investment matching awards and benefit. Through these five parts, executive reward is related to performance and the investor interest, and can help executives focusing on companys strategy. Therefore, Vodafone executive remuneration can be seen as a grave example in executive remuneration policy.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Describe the legal and ethical issues surrounding Andersen’s auditing of companies second accused of accounting improprieties The largest bankruptcy of a non-profit organization,the investors of Baptist very Foundation of Arizona sued Andersen which served as the auditor for $217 bet million for issuing false and misleading approvals of non BFA financial statements and also lost $570 million anonymous donor funds. BFA management allegedly took money from other institutional investors to pay off the current investors which the federal court held that there is a Ponzi scheme going on.Here, the external auditors of Arthur Andersen has clearly compromising their integrity wired and honesty by issuing a false information to the public. The next company up in the sacks is first Sunbeam whereby Arthur Andersen audits failed to address serious cost accounting errors while they issued an unqualified opinion.Unlike Enron, he is not bankrupt.4 half billion earnings. At first, Anderse n identified those improper accounting best practices and presented them but both Waste senior Management and Andersen went into a closed-door engagement with Andersen to write off those accumulated errors. Here there is a Self-Interest threat.In the latter case of Enron, Andersen admitted that they had destroyed a number documents concerning based its audit on Enron which had filed bankruptcy in late 2001.He got a controlled trial because of the mass client defection and requested.

S.Arthur Andersen what was among the accounting firms on earth."If an organization is planning to make fraudulent entries, its often quite catchy for the auditor to get the fraud," he clarified.Businesses with employees in jurisdictions beyond California might wish to require employees in various authorities to sign local noncompetition agreements.

"Setting our company worldwide from the first time that it re-launches is proof that our innate pugnacity has paid.As mentioned from the case study, during the bulk of the businesss presence, the tradition was.Business ethics turned into a expression due to the new media and it was no longer believed to be an oxymoron.In reality, an audits caliber is unobservable.

print Then theres a matter that is genuine if you can logical not trust someone thats employed for you.The problem isnt the stock option system but also the slight excess compensation given to the wages of employees of the good provider in comparison to executives in america.A.My editorial comment is simpleit looks really pricey.